Egorov Puginsky Afanasiev & Partners

"The best choice for solving multilevel issues with a marked Russian character"

Chambers Global

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Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova

40/4 Bol. Ordynka

Moscow, 119017

Tel: +7 (495) 935-8010

Fax: +7 (495) 935-8011

22-24 Nevsky pr.,Suite 132

St.Petersburg, 191186

Tel: +7 (812) 322-9681

Fax: +7 (812) 322-9682

3 Gough Square

London EC4A 3DE

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7822-7060

Fax: +44 (0) 22 7353-5905


Corporate income taxation
Corporate Tax 20%
Dividends 9%(for residents)
Participation Exemption
  • Available only for corporations - tax residents
  • Shareholding: at least 50%
  • Holding duration: at least 365 days
  • N/A for dividends from black-list offshores

Capital gains (new rule since 2011) – only for tax residents

  • Generally applicable for non-listed stocks
  • Special rules for listed stocks
  • Applicable for participation interest in Russian corporations
  • General condition - holding duration at least 5 years starting from 2011
Deduction of Interests
General limitation threshold (comparability principle as an alternative)
Central Bank based Refinancing Rate (CB-Rate)
  • For ruble Loans
  • For foreign exchange Loans

CB-Rate + 80%
CB-Rate – 20%
Thin Capitalization Rules
  • Debt/Equity ratio
  • For Banks/Leasing Companies

  • Premium available (for certain assets)
  • Accelerated depreciation (for certain assets)
max. index: 3
Transfer Pricing Rules
Methods: Comparable Market Prices; Resale Price; Cost plus; Transaction Net Margin Method; Profit Split Method
New rules - 2012
Loss carried forward
Loss carried backward
Special rules for securities and financial instruments – separate basket
10 years
Fiscal unity/Tax consolidation N/A
Withholding taxation
Withholding tax rate for dividends 15%
Interests, royalties 20%
Capital gains from real estate/real estate companies 20%
Double Tax Treaty Network (over 60 DTTs): reduction /elimination of WTH taxation
Personal Income tax
General flat rate 13%
Shareholder-Relief-System / Tax rate for Dividends
Exemption for capital gains from shares is under the same rules as for corporations
Inheritance tax N/A
Real Estate Transfer Taxes / Duty N/A
Value Added Tax
Standard / reduced rate    
Not applicable:

  • For small businesses/individual entrepreneurs under special (simplified) tax regime;
  • If quarterly net revenue < RUR2m (approx. EUR 50.000)
Exemption available for intangibles
Reverse Charge Method is available 
18% / 10 %
Property taxation
Corporations (average annual fixed assets’ value)

max. 2.2 %
Individuals: residential property max. 2.0 %
Additional tax on Land max. 1.5 %
Severance Tax
On extracted minerals: gas, oil, metals, carbons etc.
On alcohol, tobacco, petroleum, autos (certain motorcycles)
Social Security Contributions
On annual salary up to RUR 415.000 (approx. EUR 10.375)
For Employer only
Incentives for Investors
Cluster principle (mostly): temporary tax reductions/exemptions
Special (simplified) tax regime
Available for small businesses / individual entrepreneurs 6 % (gross income) or 15 % (on income less expenses)
Advance (binding) tax rulings N/A
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